Our focus in on your organization and how we can help to ensure you have the tools necessary to conduct an effective fundraising campaign. We are very customer service oriented. We provide quality, high-end products that you will be proud to sell, that will reflect well upon your organization, and that your buyers will appreciated. When dealing with ESF Fundraising, it is our goal to make the fundraising experience Easy, Smart, and Fun (ESF).
Whether your organization is High School, Middle School, Elementary School, Church, Sport Club, or any other organization with fundraising aspirations, ESF Fundraising is here to help you. We have over 35 years of experience in providing quality customer service, and have helped local organizations fundraise millions of dollars since 2009.
With the exception of bracelet orders, there is no up-front money required to begin the fundraising process. All other products are set up so that you only pay for what is ordered and what you sell.
We also offer a no-cost-to-you rewards program as a sales incentive for individuals in your group and for your overall organization if predetermined sales targets are met or exceeded.